Synthetic Phonics
At Parkfield we use Read Write Inc. Phonics (RWI) which is a complete literacy programme for 3 to 7 year olds who are learning to read and write. Although reading is taught using synthetic phonics, the programme also covers all of the new National Curriculum requirements for language and literacy.
When using RWI to read the children will:
- learn that sounds are represented by written letters
- learn 44 sounds and the corresponding letter/letter groups using simple picture prompts
- learn how to blend sounds
- learn to read words using Fred Talk
- read lively stories featuring words they have learned to sound out
- show that they comprehend the stories by answering questions.
When using RWI to write the children will:
- learn to write the letters/letter groups which represent 44 sounds.
- learn to write words by saying the sounds in Fred Talk
- write simple sentences